Connect Ministry

Every Sunday morning we come together to create a welcoming atmosphere. We are always looking for people to help out.

Here are some ways to “Connect”

  • Connect Center/Table (family walk over to classrooms, answer questions, response cards/new guest follow-up)
  • Greeters – 2 Sunday’s a month (First service – arrive at 8:45am, 2nd Service arrive at 10:15am – includes welcoming/thanking guests, passing out bulletins)
  • Set up & Take down – (Set-up Sunday Morning at 6am: aprox 1 hour, Take-down Sunday at 12:15pm: aprox 45min, frequency is optional:every week or once or twice a month)
  • Refreshments – 1 Sunday a year only (Provide 5-6 dozen donuts, bagels, or treats for Sunday Service –  Set them up at 8:45am Aprox. $35)
  • Coffee Set-Up – 2 Sunday’s a month (1st Service arrive at 8am, brew coffee, put supplies on coffee bar, Check supplies at end of 1st service)
  • Coffee Clean-Up – 2 Sunday’s a month ( 2nd service put coffee from urn into pump pot, empty grounds & wash pot about 10:30am, pack up coffee & table at end of 2nd service)
  • Collection & Ushers (Collect offering, help seat guests, help guests with special needs, usher for special events: Christmas & Easter)
  • Newcomer’s Party! – 2-4 times a year ( Lunch for 35 people at church office, Set-Up tables & simple decor, lead 2-4 volunteers to provide simple lunch, decorate, & clean up afterwards)
  • Special Events – Christmas, Easter, & Special Programs (Help needed with extra greeters and/or handing out gifts, Help with decorations, Help serve refreshments, Set-up & Take-down)