
When Clayton Community Church first started we made a commitment to give back at least 10% of all income to fuel God’s mission in our local community and around the world. We also know financial difficulties are a real and serious struggle for many within the Church. That’s why we’ve also set a portion of the budget aside for the Benevolence Ministry. If you’re facing severe financial hardships, please call or email us so we can help you bridge the challenges you are facing. 

We’ve been blessed to give back 10s of thousands of dollars to support local community projects, to plant new churches, to bless needy families, and to fund many overseas mission movements, including an elephant proof school! We are beyond grateful for your generosity. Thank you for partnering with us.


Credit/Debit Card

You can give online by clicking here, or by using the app on your mobile device or tablet.

Text To Give

You can give to CCC straight from your phone through our secure Text to Give platform. Simply text the keyword CLAYTONCCGIVE to (833) 693-5817 and then click the link in the response.


You can write a check to Clayton Community Church and put the specific designation in the memo line if applicable. Place it in one of our offering baskets during a Sunday Gathering or mail it to our church office anytime. (6055 Main St., Clayton, CA 94517)


Feel free to give cash in one of our offering baskets as well. If you want a tax deductible receipt make sure to give in an envelope with your name and contact info. 

For employee matching programs, business donations, or if you would like to give assets such as stocks, funds, etc. please email us at


Our Mission’s Team is excited to announce our Holiday Giving Opportunities for 2023…

City Team Annual Turkey Drive- Starting November 5th – November 19th we will be collecting money to benefit City Team in Oakland.  There are 3 ways to give- cash, check or donate online (memo line Turkey Drive). 

Monument Community Toy Drive – Starting November 5th – November 26th we will be collecting toys to benefit our neighbors in the Monument Community.  A table will be setup outside of church. 

1.Choose a star ornament with the child’s name and their gift request

2. SHOP:) $25 gift value

3. Please wrap and return gift any time before November 26th.

4. Write a personalized gift tag and place on gift

5. Bring the star ornament with the gift so we can track the gift.

Not able to make it to church but would like to participate in the Toy Drive? Email mission’s team and we can provide you the name of a child and requested gift.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7