Meet Cyon Edgerton
Learn about our Pastor of Discipleship

Cyon Edgerton
Hi, I’m Cyon.
I preach. I teach. I write. I homeschool.
Only one of these things did I actually PLAN on doing. Gold star for you if you can figure out which one.
One of these things, I swore I’d never do.
One I didn’t even know I could.
One I thought wasn’t realistic.
And yet here I am. Getting the incredible honor of pouring myself into all these things-incredibly imperfectly and occasionally unwillingly.
I’m an extravert and an external processor, and I believe that pretty much everything is done best in community. We are a family of 5 with a dining table that seats 12-because I believe in always having room for more. I believe in open doors, open hearts, extra seats at the table, authenticity, learning, and asking good questions.
I’m constantly learning-
About being a women who leads, a pastor, a parent, a homeschooler, a writer, a wife, a friend, a sister, a daughter.
About what’s going on in the world around me and what my role is in all of it.
I’ve been married to my best friend since 2008 which has yielded (among other adventures) 3 incredible children. Our journey has been a blessed one, and we’ve only just begun.
I believe in….
Loving God and loving people.
Making your spouse your BFF.
Training up my kids to be disciples of Jesus.
Actively working to end systemic racism, sexism, ageism, and every other oppressive, dividing factor that exists in our world.
Date nights.
Laughing at yourself. A lot.