Meet Pastor Ron
Learn about our Executive Pastor

Ron Musch
Since 1978 Rev. Ron Musch has ministered throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Central and North America, and the South Pacific. He was one of the original pioneers of the Mercy Ship “Anastasis” where he served for over six years. He spent another five years based in Hong Kong leading teams to Asia and Africa. It was in Hong Kong that he met and married his wife, Leslyn.
During his ministry as a missionary and now as a pastor, he continues to see the Lord bring people to salvation, heal the sick, set people free and restore them to their God-given destiny. He is dedicated to equipping believers for revival and to proclaim the gospel with signs and wonders following. He loves the Presence of the Lord and strongly believes that Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, desires to use ordinary people in extraordinary ways in their everyday life.
Ron and Leslyn transitioned in 2022 to Honolulu, Hawaii where he continues to serve as our Executive Pastor remotely. They have two married daughters and one grandson. He loves fishing, kayaking, the beauty of the outdoors, and watching science fiction.
Fun things to know about Pastor Ron:
Favorite Hobbies – Fishing, kayaking and watching science fiction
Degrees and such:
Delta Epsilon Chi – Honor Society of the American Association of Bible Colleges
Master of Divinity – Fuller Theological Seminary
Licensed Personal Development Coach – Leader Breakthru
Things he’s doing/done:
Founding crew member of Mercy Ships
Co-Founded Global Prayer Ministries with his wife Leslyn
Community Service:
Former Director of Constituent Services for two CA State Assembly Members
Former Liaison to Faith Community for CA Congresswoman
Favorite Sci-Fi Shows:
Star Trek, Stargate SG-1, Star Wars