Men’s Ministry

Being godly men in this world is a challenge, as is facing the choices we must make every day that could deeply affect our lives and the lives of those we love. How do we make the right choices? Where do we look for guidance in choices that can bring blessing or disaster? How do we sift through the confusing messages being shouted all around us to find what is actually true and wise?
In our Men’s Ministry, it’s our desire to forge community where men can meet together to grow in their ability to seek God and grow in His wisdom. Our vision is to unify the men of our Church by deepening our relationships with each other and above all, with Jesus Christ. We strive to develop ourselves as servant leaders in our homes, church and workplaces.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17
Join Us

Men’s Bible Study – Weekly Group
A great way to develop solid friendships with other men while growing closer to God through study, discussion and application of his word. No sign up needed just show up and get involved!
Thursday Nights @7PM
6055 Main Street
Led by Pastor Shawn Robinson

Men’s Breakfast – Monthly Group
Our Men’s Breakfast meets every month on the second Saturday, gathering for fellowship, worship, and a time of teaching. Friendships have been formed, we have shared in each other’s burdens, men have stepped up in leadership and service! Check the events calendar for the next date.