Upcoming Events

First Monday Women’s Gathering

“We are a collective of women supporting women by creating a space for community, collective healing, and acts of service. Motivated by faith in God and inspired by Jesus’ example, we welcome and serve both those within the church and the broader community.”

We meet on the first Monday of every month for community, friendship, and service.

This month we will be stuffing purses again for the unhoused in our community and surrounding neighborhoods. Feel free to bring gently used purses and/or hygiene products in between services for the next few Sundays in March.

Monday, April 7th | 7PM | 6055 Main Street

Men’s Breakfast

Our Men’s Breakfast meets every month on the second Saturday, gathering for fellowship, worship, and a time of teaching. Friendships have been formed, we have shared in each other’s burdens, men have stepped up in leadership and service. Join us!

Saturday, April 12th | 8AM | 6055 Main Street

Holy Week Prayer Gatherings

Join with our leaders for this special time of  contemplative prayer and reflection to quiet our hearts and minds during Holy Week and shift our focus to what He wants to speak to our hearts.

Contemplative prayer is all about waiting upon God; listening for God; opening ourselves to God; responding to the invitation to meet God in silent awareness. Perhaps the best description is prayer of the heart.  In contemplative prayer we seek to be aware of the presence of God and to remain silently and attentively in that presence, completely open to God.

These gatherings will be held for one hour each @ 5pm.

April 14th, 15th, 16th, & 19th | 5PM | 6055 Main St.

Maundy Thursday Communion Service

Come remember Jesus’ last Supper with his followers before his crucifixion. This communion worship service will be a time of reflection and remembrance of the greatest sacrifice of all time.

Thursday, April 17th | 7PM | 5555 Clayton Rd.

Easter Sunday Gatherings

Is the Easter story just a tradition, or do you truly believe it’s real? Jesus welcomes our questions and doubts, but calls us to confront them. He offers us proof of His Resurrection and challenges us to “stop doubting and believe.” This Easter, don’t just be an observer—be transformed. Bring your questions, your doubts, and your family, and join us as we experience the true meaning together.

(Nursery-5th grade programs offered both services)

Sunday, April 20th | 9AM – Livestream | 9 & 11AM – In Person  Community Egg Hunt 10:15AM